EPOS is a consulting company supporting organizations in building and promoting their institutional storytelling, advocacy action and development strategies.

Mixing a managerial, marketing, legal and financial approach, EPOS helps organizations in adapting their external & internal institutional communication in accordance to the target audiences, background context and strategic objectives.

Let them be public & private stakeholders as part of a due-diligence, reporting or rating process; staff & partners as part of a M&A, transformation project or activity expansion; EPOS supports organizations in the preparation, delivery and monitoring of the most appropriate institutional message for each specific context.

Because there is always a story to share…

  • Access to a network of expertise of the highest level
  • Independence & analytical objectivity
  • High confidentiality & professional ethics
  • Interdisciplinary public & private background
  • Strategic & operational ‘problem-solving’ approach
  • National & international

EPOS helps businesses and organizations in translating their development visions in concrete strategies and documents addressed to internal or external partners, media, investors, elected officials, public or international stakeholders etc.
By creating the conditions for a fluid exchange among all user levels of the organization, EPOS’ ambition is to build effective bridges of communication between every department and sector resulting in an agreed strategic vision unifying all actors around a common focus.
It is thanks to such an exchange between all levels of the organization that a strategy can deliver its best potentials. Expansion, diversification or protection of the current position; re-branding; a technological transformation; addressing externalities… In all cases, a legitimate strategy should be embraced by every individual in the organization while presenting in a trustworthy and appealing manner, a journey clearly setting the path where the organization is heading to.
EPOS helps you finding the right words, the meaningful numbers, the adequate message and the core storytelling that will make your stakeholders and collaborators thrive. Because the story of an organization goes beyond a pragmatic report, as it reflects a complex puzzle of divergent ambitions and expectations, a narrative of past and future successes, conveyed to a market that will ultimately characterize your organization, specifically, by the way your story is shared…

There is always a great story to share behind a successful organization. A story summarizing its founding values, its current challenges and future ambitions. A story that guides every approach on how an organization reacts to innovations, on what thrives its teams, on how it materializes its projects.
Because an organization, it is not just a logo, a headquarter or its products.
It is a human story, a testimony, a narrative often built upon a myth embodied in few words. It is the result of hundreds of processes, investments and technologies updated year after year to deliver the best. The story of successive expansion plans, small and big projects, countless partners, experts and colleagues that kept inspiring and serving, day after day.
EPOS helps organizations promote the storytelling best characterizing their essence. A story that needs to be shared with an inquisitive public eager to learn more about the values, the legacy ​​and the standards that characterize an organization from another. A public representing different stakeholders, from different backgrounds, that will fully accept the organization’s vision only if it corresponds to the values ​​in which they believe in.
It may relate to security, speed, technology or investing in the highest standards, to accessibility or social & economic development – every organization has a story to share. EPOS builds new communication bridges between your organization and the environment in which it operates, thereby reinforcing the company’s message to the media, the academic world, business associations, public authorities, international partners, advocacy groups etc.
In the context of an institutional paper, of a key sensitive report, of a communication action or an institutional event, EPOS helps organizations in choosing the most appropriate message, the most found words, the strongest figure and arguments, but also the most appropriate communication products, channels and forms.

Media, consumers and advocacy groups, public and financial institutions, but also NGOs and international organizations, businesses and organizations are today required to share more and more information on the impact of their activity and on the authenticity of the data they share.
An impact that may be social, environmental and economic, but also technological relating to personal data protection, or legal relating to the company ownership, product transparency etc. How many jobs are created, are local communities positively affected by the organizations activity, are there CSR protocols in place, is there any inappropriate link of the organization’s shareholders, etc. measuring the impact of an organization may follow different patterns according to the reading optics of the target audience, let it be public authorities, media, advocacy groups, international donors or private investors.
EPOS helps organizations in assessing the impact of their daily activity and long-term vision. Mandatory in the case of a donor-funded initiative, measuring the impact of an organization is the best visit card for businesses seeking to promote the positive effect of their actions in the communities in which they operate. And it’s precisely upon this impact that the reputation of any organization is built.
Depending on the priorities of the organization, EPOS can support the evaluation of its activity impact, of a specific initiative, of the brand reputation and so on. Similar to a “rating”, such pro-active mind-set creates the conditions for a better perception of the brand value, of the organization’s legacy, of the compatibility between its mission and the reality as seen by the stakeholders in the environment the organization operates.

EPOS helps organizations in drafting and implementing potential transformation initiatives, internal company projects or draft concepts addressed at public or international partners.
Let it be in the case of an internal or external initiative, EPOS would support the organization in preparing the necessary matrices with the objective to achieve an optimal implementation between the committed resources and the defined deadlines, the corresponding responsibilities and objectives etc.
From the early brainstorming of the initial concept idea, continuing to the updating of the company’s protocols or structures, to the supervision of the final implementation of the initiative, EPOS helps organizations in achieving its visions and objectives.

The accurate understanding of the environment in which the organization operates is a mandatory step. An analysis that begins with the consultation of the organization’s key stakeholders, in parallel to an in-depth exchange with its executive decision-makers, all within a framework of confidentiality and institutional trust.

It is important that the expectations between the parties involved are clearly set, quantified and agreed. Calling to an external support does not replace the responsibilities of the organization’s teams, and in this regard, only a responsible balance between all parties produces the expected success.

EPOS’ service differentiation relies on the access into a vast network of expertise from various professional and technical backgrounds allowing the identification of the most suitable expert for every need and profile.

There is no strategy if there are no ambitions, no visions, no innovative proposals, or tangible results. In order to achieve such objectives, it is necessary that the involved actors to be free from any hierarchical and personal restraints. In doing so, EPOS challenges, provokes and encourages the exploration of new horizons by creating the necessary predispositions for everyone to give their best.

No need to reinvent the wheel if an organization is open to learn from best practices. While, if something has to be proposed from scratch, it is important for all propositions to be based on facts and figures gathered by local or international sources.

A successful collaboration is fully absorbed and embraced at every level of the organization. In this regard, the level of success will be determined by the way the organization will achieve to adequately set its expansion objectives and long-term sustainable impact.

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